The Vegan Freedom Army fights injustice. We fight for freedom! Wether it's springing animals from labs or joining marches, we're there. If you are vegan for health reasons, go away. Vegans are for compassion!

Stuck in a barn for the whole of your life sounds like fun, doesn't it? Yeah, that's what I thought. Except most dairy cows don't get to even turn around, and have crippling injuries because profit is more important that welfare. The dairy mums are constantly impregnated so they produce milk. And their babies taken away so it's us that drinks it. The female babies are put into milk producing factoires and fed on milk substitute and endure the same lives as their parents. The males are either killed instantly, or sent to veal factories where they can't even turn around. Cows kept inside their whole lives are 'zero-grazed'. Meat cows are sometimes allowed to roam free in summer months. They're still pumped with chemicals to fight diseases and increase growth, and they all end up at the slaughterhouse to face stunning then have their throat slit. Some aren't even stunned. Scientists are now saying the stunning merely stops the animals from moving, not feeling fear or pain.
Leather is not a by-product. It's a whole industry, mostly in india where the cow is considered holy, and yet more abused than our cows. They suffer long journeys in heat without food or water to meet a grisly end as a shoe. Or handbag. Or watchstrap.
85% of the UK's eggs bought are battery or barn. Barn counjoures up happy images of birds roaming by farmhouses, but barn is just a glorified term for... well... 'barn-full-of-so-many-sentient-beings-they-can't-stretch-one-wing-or-get-to-food'. Cheerful eh? The legal minimum size for battery hends is half a sheet of A4 paper per bird. Geese, Turkeys etc are usually barn kept, but ducks can be cages like hens or individully cages (for Foi Grois) so they are unable to escape being force fed until their livers no longer function. Male birds born into the egg or meat industry are considered useless as they produce no eggs, and often don't build up weigh fast enough for consupmtion. They are killed shortly after death and usually fed back to other farm animals. Chickens are fed chemicals to make them grow faster, and unnaturally large. Often they can't manage to even stand up, let alone battle though fellow cretures to reach food. Barn meat chickens are known as broilers. Free range birds are allowed to roam outside and perch, but are still killed before the natural end to their lives. No matter how they are reared, they are all killed when production slows. They can be put into cheap stocks, petfoods, soups etc.
Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, and yet if dogs were treated the way dogs were, there would be public outcry, not just vegan outcrys. Mother pigs used for breeding are impregnated artificially over and over until they're unable to produce as may ofspring. Once the babies are up and about, the mothers are confined to farrowing crates- bars that prevent the sows from standing or turning to face her young. In theory, this prevents damage to the valuble 'burger's to be', but in the wild, a sow would hardly ever crush her young as they are able to see and care for them in the space the need. As soon as production slows, they are culled.

There are less known creatures that suffer under the hands of humans.Exotic foods, kangaroo, shellfish etc. Bees for example. The queen bee is killed every 1-3 years. Her natural lifespan is 5 years or more. She is killed and replaced so she can keep laying more bees. Every now and then, another queen bee is born. She would either challenge the current queen or leave with a few worker bees and set up her own hive. These bees are also killed so the workers stay. Silk worms are another example- silk worms are grubs, and turn into butterflies inside a silk cucoon. The silk is all that is wanted, so as soon as the butterflies emerge, they are killed so the cucoons can be harvested. It takes 1000 silk worms cucoons to make one silk scarf.  Horses are also exported for meat, and endure weeks in cattle trailers (double decker trailers used to transport cows. They have low celiengs,  and if a horse throws up its head it can be injured-or killed.)with little food or water, and no rest stops, despite legal requirements. Many don't survive the journey.